Teaching Grammar Effectively: An Expert Guide for TKT Candidates
Teaching Grammar Effectively: An Expert Guide for TKT Candidates
Grammar is a core component of language learning and teaching. As a TKT candidate, having a strong grasp of grammar concepts and terminology is essential for passing the exam and being an effective English teacher. This article provides an overview of key grammar principles, TKT-relevant concepts, and expert teaching tips.
What is Grammar and Why is it Important?
Grammar refers to how words are combined, organized, and changed to create meaning. Grammar rules describe patterns in written and spoken language. Knowledge of grammar helps learners develop accuracy in using grammatical structures.
Key Grammatical Concepts
- Grammatical forms: How words are constructed (e.g. verb tenses, plural nouns).
- Grammatical structures: Arrangements of words into meaningful patterns (e.g. passive voice, relative clauses).
- Parts of speech: Categories of words based on their function (e.g. nouns, verbs, adjectives).
- Affixes: Groups of letters added to words to change meaning (prefixes and suffixes).
- Grammatical uses: The meanings/functions of grammatical structures in context.
Teaching Grammar Effectively
- Grammar rules change over time as language evolves. Teachers must stay up-to-date.
- Grammar books often focus on written language. Spoken language features like contractions are also important.
- Conscious knowledge of grammar rules/terms helps some, but not all, learners.
- Learning forms alone doesn't enable communication. Teach forms and functions.
- Give learners practice with both grammatical accuracy and contextual usage.
Key TKT Concepts
- The TKT exam assesses knowledge of grammatical forms and uses. Be able to:
- Identify parts of speech and their functions.
- Recognize grammatical structures like conditionals and relative clauses.
- Understand meanings and uses of forms in context.
- Define key terminology like "affix" and "tense".
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Why teach grammar if learners acquire language without it?
A: Explicit knowledge helps many learners gain accuracy and speed (3).
Q: Should grammar be taught separately or integrated with skills?
A: A balanced approach addresses usage and builds communication (4).
Q: How can I make grammar teaching engaging and avoid boredom?
A: Use contextualized activities like dictations, task-based learning (5).
Key Resources
- Scrivener, Learning Teaching
- Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching
- Ellis, Grammar Teaching - Practice or Consciousness-Raising
- Larsen-Freeman, Teaching Language: From Grammar to Grammaring
- Azar, Using Dictation to Teach Grammar
With a strong grasp of grammar principles and terms, TKT candidates can demonstrate their knowledge on the exam and in the language classroom.
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